
刘长春 详细介绍






20255月至今 西安交通大学管理学院 副教授

20191月至20244 新加坡国立大学 研究员/高级研究员


20131月至20191 清华大学工业工程系,博士,导师:郑力




Revenue management

[1] Ju Liu, Changchun Liu*, and Chung Piaw, Teo, Picking Winners: Diversification through Portfolio Optimization. Production and Operations Management, 32(9): 2864-2884.

[2] Maoqi Liu, Li Zheng, Changchun Liu and Zhi-hai Zhang*, From Share-of-Choice to Buyers’ Welfare Maximization: Bridging the Gap through Distributionally Robust Optimization, Production and Operations Management, 32(4): 1205-1222.

Optimization in Container Terminals

[3] Xiang, Xi, Changchun Liu, and Shuai Jia*. "Tactical vessel deployment and empty container repositioning considering container turnover times." Computers & Industrial Engineering (2024): 110032.

[4] Xiang, Xi, and Changchun Liu*. "An almost robust optimization model for integrated berth allocation and quay crane assignment problem." Omega 104 (2021): 102455.

[5] Xiang, Xi, and Changchun Liu*. "An expanded robust optimisation approach for the berth allocation problem considering uncertain operation time." Omega 103 (2021): 102444.

[6] Xiang, Xi, Changchun Liu*, Loo Hay Lee, and Ek Peng Chew. "Performance estimation and design optimization of a congested automated container terminal." IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 19, no. 3 (2021): 2437-2449.

[7] Liu, Changchun*. "Iterative heuristic for simultaneous allocations of berths, quay cranes, and yards under practical situations." Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 133 (2020): 101814.

[8] Xiang, Xi, and Changchun Liu*. "Modeling and analysis for an automated container terminal considering battery management." Computers & Industrial Engineering 156 (2021): 107258.

[9] Liu, Changchun, Xi Xiang, and Li Zheng. "A two-stage robust optimization approach for the berth allocation problem under uncertainty." Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal 32 (2020): 425-452.

[10] Liu, Changchun. "A note on tactical berth allocation under uncertainty." European Journal of Operational Research 278, no. 1 (2019): 363-364.

[11] Xiang, Xi, Changchun Liu, and Lixin Miao*. "Reactive strategy for discrete berth allocation and quay crane assignment problems under uncertainty." Computers & Industrial Engineering 126 (2018): 196-216.

[12] Liu, Changchun*, Xi Xiang, and Li Zheng. "Two decision models for berth allocation problem under uncertainty considering service level." Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal 29 (2017): 312-344.

[13] Liu, Changchun, Canrong Zhang, and Li Zheng. "A bi-objective model for robust yard allocation scheduling for outbound containers." Engineering Optimization 49, no. 1 (2017): 113-135.

[14] Xiang, Xi, Changchun Liu, and Lixin Miao. "A bi-objective robust model for berth allocation scheduling under uncertainty." Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 106 (2017): 294-319.

[15] Liu, Changchun, Li Zheng, and Canrong Zhang. "Behavior perception-based disruption models for berth allocation and quay crane assignment problems." Computers & Industrial Engineering 97 (2016): 258-275.

[16] Liu, Changchun, Xi Xiang, Canrong Zhang, and Li Zheng. "A decision model for berth allocation under uncertainty considering service level using an adaptive differential evolution algorithm." Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research 33, no. 06 (2016): 1650049.

Production Scheduling

[17] Hao, Xinye#, Changchun Liu#, Maoqi Liu#, Canrong Zhang, and Li Zheng. "Solving a real-world large-scale cutting stock problem: A clustering-assignment-based model." IISE Transactions 55, no. 11 (2023): 1160-1173.

[18] Liu, Maoqi, Li Zheng, and Changchun Liu*. "Faster or fewer iterations? A strategic perspective of a sequential product development project." IISE Transactions 53, no. 11 (2021): 1196-1214.

[19] Liu, Changchun*, Xi Xiang, and Li Zheng. "Value of information sharing in a multiple producers–distributor supply chain." Annals of Operations Research 285 (2020): 121-148.

[20] Wang, Qiang, Changchun Liu*, and Li Zheng. "A column-generation-based algorithm for a resource-constrained project scheduling problem with a fractional shared resource." Engineering Optimization (2019).

[21] Liu, Changchun, Xi Xiang, Li Zheng, and Jing Ma. "An integrated model for multi-resource constrained scheduling problem considering multi-product and resource-sharing." International Journal of Production Research 56, no. 19 (2018): 6491-6511.

[22] Liu, Changchun, Chenjie Wang, Zhi-hai Zhang, and Li Zheng. "Scheduling with job-splitting considering learning and the vital-few law." Computers & Operations Research 90 (2018): 264-274.

[23] Changchun, Liu, Xiang Xi, Zhang Canrong, Wang Qiang, and Zheng Li. "A column generation based distributed scheduling algorithm for multi-mode resource constrained project scheduling problem." Computers & Industrial Engineering 125 (2018): 258-278.

[24] Liu, Changchun, Qiang Wang, Xi Xiang, and Li Zheng. "Minimising tardiness in hybrid two-stage batch scheduling problem in cyber-physical systems." European Journal of Industrial Engineering 12, no. 2 (2018): 276-306.

[25] Wang, Chenjie, Changchun Liu, Zhi-hai Zhang, and Li Zheng. "Minimizing the total completion time for parallel machine scheduling with job splitting and learning." Computers & Industrial Engineering 97 (2016): 170-182.

[26] 王强、刘长春*、周宝如。 “基于区块链的制造服务可信交易方式。” 计算机集成制造系统, 25, no. 12 (2019): 3247-3257.

Other logistics related

[27] Pei, Zhi, Yunduo Liu, Xu Dai, Yilun Yuan, and Changchun Liu. "When drone delivery meets human courier: A co-sourcing perspective." Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 156 (2023): 104333.

[28] Liu, Kanglin, Changchun Liu, Xi Xiang, and Zhili Tian. "Testing facility location and dynamic capacity planning for pandemics with demand uncertainty." European journal of operational research 304, no. 1 (2023): 150-168.

[29] Xiang, Xi, Tao Fang, Changchun Liu, and Zhi Pei. "Robust service network design problem under uncertain demand." Computers & Industrial Engineering 172 (2022): 108615.

[30] Pei, Zhi, Xu Dai, Yilun Yuan, Rui Du, and Changchun Liu*. "Managing price and fleet size for courier service with shared drones." Omega 104 (2021): 102482.

[31] Xi, Xiang, Liu Changchun, Wang Yuan, and Lee Loo Hay. "Two-stage conflict robust optimization models for cross-dock truck scheduling problem under uncertainty." Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 144 (2020): 102123.

[32] Xiang, Xi, Changchun Liu*, and Lixin Miao. "Storage assignment and order batching problem in Kiva mobile fulfilment system." Engineering Optimization 50, no. 11 (2018): 1941-1962.


Working Papers

[1] Liu Changchun*, Gang Guo, Hong Ming Tan, Chung Piaw Teo, Yan Chen, and Tim Lee, Fare Ladder Optimization: Airline Revenue Management in a Volatile Environment. Operations Research, Major Revision

[2] Liu Changchun, Hailong Sun*, Chung Piaw Teo, and Maoqi Liu, Pricing Analytics of Primary and Ancillary Products Using Conversion Rate Data, Operations Research, R&R, https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4095769

[3] Qi Wei, Liu Changchun, Teo Chung Piaw, Balancing Variety and Choice: Assortment Optimization under Choice Set Effect, Production and Operations Management, R&R

[4] Liu Changchun, Liu Ju*, Teo Chung Piaw, Picking Lotto Winning Numbers Using Mixed Integer Programs: Beyond Finite Geometry & Random Pick, Management Science, Under Review. https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4756280

[5] Coordinating Airfare Pricing: Evidence from A Large-Scale Field Experiment, joint work with Guo Gang and Teo Chung Piaw, Prepare for submission.

[6] Mitigating the Spiral Down Effect: Revenue Management under Branded Fare Structure, joint work with Wu Lan, Teo Chung Piaw, Zhang Xun, Prepare for submission.

[7] Quantifying Framing Effects through Joint Assortment and Pricing Experiments, joint work with Yan Zhenzhen, Teo Chung Piaw, Prepare for submission.

[8] A Data-Driven Framework for Opaque Product Pricing Using Choquet Expected Utility Model, Joint work with Liu Zhaoyan, Kong Qingxia, and Teo Chung Piaw, Prepare for submission.

[9] Feature-Based Pricing: A Marginal Exponential Model, Joint work with Jin Xiao and Teo Chung Piaw, Prepare for submission.

[10] Offer Set Design and Pricing with a Focus on Social Welfare, Joint Work with Liu Ju and Teo Chung Piaw, Prepare for submission.

[11] Identifying the Causal Effects of Net Promoter Score on Revenue Growth, Joint work with Ren Junjie, Edgar Jeevan Danaraj, Jussi, Keppo, Teo Chung Piaw


