
创新创业与战略学术前沿系列讲座 第十五讲 2019-05-22

创新创业与战略学术前沿系列讲座 第十五讲

Frontier Symposium, Department of Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Strategy


Xi’an Marketing Research Symposium (X’MaRS) The Third Series


时间:2019527日星期一 上午830-1200



题目Successfully communicating a co-created innovation & How to publish at JPIM

报告人Charles H. Noble

内容提要Despite the growing popularity of co-creation approaches to innovation, the bottom-line results of these efforts continue to frustrate many firms. Marketing communications are one important tool in stimulating consumer adoption, yet marketers to date have not taken advantage of a unique phenomenon associated with many co-created innovations – the presence of a genesis story in the words of the creator, which can be combined in different ways with traditional marketing messaging. Using mixed methods, we demonstrate a crossover effect in which a “mismatch” of the fundamental motivations behind authentic creation narratives and traditional persuasive messages enhances adoption of the co-created innovation. This effect is mediated by potential adopters’ self-referencing of their own stories about similar experiences or consumption episodes. Furthermore, the effect of a motivation mismatch strategy is attenuated for expert consumers. Finally, this motivation mismatch strategy triggers “takeoff” of co-created innovations.

报告人简介Charles H. Noble is the Henry Professor of Business and Associate Dean for Research and Faculty at the Haslam College of Business, The University of Tennessee. He also serves as the Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Product Innovation Management. His research focuses on design and development processes for products and services. He serves on the editorial boards of several leading journals and has published research in the Journal of Marketing, Strategic Management Journal, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, and IEE Transactions on Engineering Management, among others. 


题目Base-of-the-pyramid (BOP) orientation and firm performance

报告人Yongchuan (Kevin) Bao

内容提要:The Bottom of Pyramid (BOP) market in developing countries represents an enormous market opportunity. Serving the BOP segment, however, incurs significant risks and costs because BOP consumers are deprived of income and literacy. It remains unclear whether or not serving this market segment would benefit firm performance. Based on related literature, we propose a new construct – BOP orientation, and examine its impact on firm performance and an operating mechanism of such effect – the mediating role of bricolage innovation strategy that emphasizes recombination of existing resources to solve the unique problems faced by BOP consumers. Drawing on the strategy tripod view, we also investigate the contingency effects of both institutional and industry environments in an emerging economy. We collected survey data to test the conceptual framework from 238 firms in China, the world’s second largest BOP market. The results support a positive linkage of BOP orientation to firm performance and that the effect is channeled through bricolage innovation strategy. Further, we find that the performance effect of BOP orientation is contingent on both the institutional factors and the industry conditions. Specifically, government support strengthens while legal inefficiency weakens this effect; competitive intensity strengthens the effect, while technological uncertainty has no moderating role on this relationship.

报告人简介:Yongchuan (Kevin) Bao is an Associate Professor of marketing at the College of Business, University of Alabama in Huntsville. He received the Ph.D. degree in business administration from the University of Southern California. He has authored or coauthored studies in Marketing Letters, Industrial Marketing Management, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, among others. His main research expertise is in management and marketing of product innovation. He currently serves on Editorial Review Board of Industrial Marketing Management and Journal of Business Research.



