
讲座题目:Refining our Understanding of the Relationships between Servant Leadership and Outcomes 2018-06-28

题目:Refiningour Understanding of the Relationships between Servant Leadership and Outcomes




报告人:RobertC. Liden,伊利诺伊芝加哥分校教授,是组织行为学领域的知名学者,现担任HumanRelations 特殊话题的主编,同时兼任Journal ofManagement, Leadership Quarterly, Journal of Applied Psychology , Academy ofManagement Review,以及 Personnel Psychology的编委。Liden 教授科研实力非常突出,至尤其在领导力、领导-成员交换关系等领域颇负盛名。其多数文章发表在国际顶尖期刊上,如Academyof Management Review,Academy of Management Journal,Journalof Applied Psychology,同时在Human Relations, Journal of OrganizationalBehavior, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision 等知名期刊上也均有若干发表。


Following a brief introduction to servantleadership, unique among leadership approaches for its focus on bringing outthe full potential in followers, four studies (one published and three inprogress) on servant leadership will be presented. Two cross-sectional and twotime-lagged investigations were conducted in field settings located in theUnited States, China, and Singapore, with samples representing a wide range ofprivate and public sector organizations. Results revealed that servantleadership: promotes a serving culture; leads to follower gratitude; canovercome follower self-interest, and trickles down from upper level leaders tolower level leaders. The presentation will conclude with some points onteaching and practicing servant leadership.
